
Thursday, April 4, 2013

50 sales!

I've reached a milestone in my shop recently - I hit 50 sales! That's a small amount for some shops, but a huge victory for me. I never considered the idea that I'd stick with my shop for so long. I opened it randomly because I had a bunch of handmade scarves on my hands that I had no idea what to do with. I figured there was no harm in listing them. Now I have expanded my inventory to include sunglass cases, bags, headbands, and household items.

I've thought about closing shop a couple times when things got slow, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I love creating my crafts and sharing them with people. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment when I list these items I've actually made myself and then when people buy them, it makes me so proud.

I look forward to the next 50 sales and expanding my shop even more. I've now starting adding sewn tote bags that I think people will love for summer. I have my eye on a couple more sewing patterns as well. I won't be leaving the loom knit/woven items behind though. My looms are still being used like crazy! Sometimes it's just fun to change it up a little.

Twitter: @sparkleknitshop
Facebook: Sparkleknit

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